Swiss Harvest Asset Management AG stands for trust in each other, professional competence at the highest level and the pursuit of client satisfaction at all times.

This goal is underlined by the different cultural backgrounds. We see our ability to address our Swiss and international customers in the best possible way across linguistic, geographical and professional boundaries as one of our strengths. The customer is king/queen. And that’s how we treat him or her: professionally, individually and discreetly.

Managing assets of wealthy individuals, families and companies in itself is understandably particularly challenging. Nevertheless, there are numerous areas of life, of legal, financial or political nature, having an important influence on clients’ wealth, which do not directly fall under the scope of asset management. We meet this challenge with our careful, customized and independent handling through our partner company Swiss Harvest Family Office GmbH as part of Family Office services. Very wealthy individuals from all over the world appreciate our independent financial services. As far as our costs are concerned, we focus on absolute transparency, as Swiss Harvest Asset Management AG does not receive any retrocessions from our partner banks. Our aim is to preserve and constantly increase our clients’ assets in the long term. We want to offer maximum comfort by fulfilling their wishes so that they can enjoy their investments. And this means that our client has one contact person – Swiss Harvest Asset Management AG, who takes care of all matters. Swiss Harvest Asset Management AG offers comprehensive and customized services to meet your wishes and needs. In order to achieve the best results, the highest efficiency and flexibility for our clients in all areas, we work with numerous private and commercial banks. Our discretion and level of quality are in line with traditional Swiss customs and practices.